MAK International is the founder company of Bitether (BTR)
Take Bitether (BTR) into the list of top traded crypto currencies in the world till 2020. Make Bitether (BTR) most valuable crypto currency in term of market capitalization.
Make Bitether (BTR) an incredible Payment gateway for online and offline users till 2025 Enter into maximum countries of the world as most trusted plateform for financial transactions.
We have planned to distribute Bitether in very unique pattern as follow:
Based on the early entry into the ICO of BTR, we offer different bonus slabs for Investors
In the first phase of ICO, the rate of BTR will be $0.01 constant for the period of 30 days from ICO Opening Date.
In the second phase of ICO, the rate of BTR will increase gradually as per the demand increases for the period of next 100 days till the listing of BTR on exchange.
In the third phase of ICO, the BTR token will be listed in private or International Exchange, So, the rate of BTR will depend on the trading scenario.
We have planned most profitable portfolio system using different invetment options in crypto industry called “Crypto Mutual Fund”. This is the concept adopted for the first time in the history of Crypto World. Fund raised using this ICO will be used as per the following break up
Marketing & Bonus Exp
Expected monthly return 0%Crypto Currency Trading
>Expected monthly return 10% to 15%Crypto Currency Mining
>Expected monthly return 15% to 20%Mining Machine Business
>Expected monthly return 10% to 15%BTR can be redeemed on the following options